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How to add your logo

Your logo can be inserted into the Word document itself.  You'll probably want to put it in your template.  You'll do that here:

The best way is to ...

  1. Click "Edit"
  2. Click "Get a Copy" next to the ReportIntroduction document.  This will download a Word document.
  3. Open that Word document and insert your logo.
  4. Save it.
  5. Drag it back onto the web page where it says "drop files from your computer"

From then on, every time you generate a report, your logo will appear.

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How do I change the margins on my report?

A Microsoft Word document can only have one set of margins. So those are set based on the first document in your list. To change the margins, get a copy of the first document in your list, edit it and re-upload it. (Click here to get more info on how to edit your documents)

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How to edit my report template

To edit your template, go here:

Your report template can be made up of many documents. To add a document, drag a Word document from your computer to the box at the bottom of the page.

To rearrange them drag any document and drop it where you'd like it to go.

To edit one of the documents, hit the "Edit" button at the top. It'll show you some new buttons. One of them says "Get a copy". Click that to download a copy of the document. Then open it in Microsoft Word, save it, and drag it back into that box that says "drop files from your computer here". Tell it you're sure you want to clobber the old copy.

To delete one, hit the "Edit" button and then the "Delete" button.

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